Sunday Gatherings

We gather on Sundays to pray, sing songs of worship and hear from the Bible. We’d love you to join us.

Alive Church

@St George’s
Morning Gathering

An informal gathering for everyone with worship, a talk, time to pray together, and Alive Kids and Alive Youth. Followed by fresh tea and coffee. 

Alive Church

@St George’s
The Four Thirty
Afternoon Gathering

Join us at 4.30pm for Sunday Afternoon Church. A laid back gathering with worship, a word from the Bible, chance to pray and cafe afterwards. Alive Youth stay in the gathering and Alive Kids happens for children aged 3 to 11, with our Under 3s space available for young families.

Our online calendar has details of dates for all our monthly gatherings.

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Listen to more talks

You can find all of our talks on Spotify or Apple Music.

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Monthly gatherings

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