Routes to Care

We want Alive Church to be a place where everyone belongs and everyone is cared for. Alive Communities are our primary way of belonging and care. Sometimes however we need ongoing pastoral support or have a particular crisis.

If you’d like pastoral care, a coffee or someone to pray for you let us know below and one of the pastoral team will be in touch to arrange it.

Our general routes to care are outlined below.

For individuals

Use the care form or speak to a member of the pastoral team, your team leader or staff.

What will they do?

  1. If they are able to support you themselves they will, or they will talk to you about next steps.
  2. If they are concerned they will share those concerns with the Lead Pastor.
  3. If it is a safeguarding concern they will pass it on to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Church Leaders or Church Wardens following safeguarding procedure.
For Communities, Gatherings, Ministries and other Alive Church Activities

What if I share something in a group, gathering or ministry setting or other Alive Church activity?

You can expect confidentiality, though the person you speak to may wish to pass that concern to the pastoral team with your permission.

If it is a safeguarding concern they will pass it on to the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Church Leaders or Church Wardens following safeguarding procedure.

Need more information?
Contact Sarah

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